Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hanging Bridge

Photo By Ruby Thursday More
Manila Bulletin, Monday, 8 November 2010

A 70- meter hanging bridge connects the town of Pikit in North Cotabato to Pagalugan in Maguindanao province, which are separated by the Pulang River. The Bridge was constructed by the Philippine Marines in 2003.

Navy taps Cortez as NFWM acting commander

By Mario J. Mallari
The Daily Tribune, Monday, 8 November 2010

The Navy leadership has tapped a combat-tested senior officer to head the Naval Forces Western Mindanao (NFWM) where Abu Sayyaf terrorists and rogue elements of the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are known to be operating.

Military Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom) chief Lt. Gen. Ben Dolorfino said that Commodore Orwen Cortez was designated as acting commander of the NFWM, which has jurisdiction over naval operations in the provinces of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi and Zamboanga Peninsula.

Dolorfino said Cortez, a member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Class of 1979, formally took over the NFWM last Nov. 4. Cortez was the erstwhile commander of the Naval Forces Western Command.

Cortez was known for leading his forces in assaulting Matanggue Island in Balabac, Palawan in August of 2009 when lawless elements of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), led by Abdullah Abdurajak, alias Pa Guro, staged atrocities against civilians in the area.

The Navy operations led to the killing of at least 10 MNLF rebels, including Abdurajak.

The NFWM was originally assigned to Rear Adm. Feliciano Angue but was recalled after the disgruntled Navy officer publicly criticized alleged “prostitution” of the military promotions system. He was subsequently put under investigation and was held on a floating status pending the result of the Navy probe.

The NFWM was subsequently taken over by 1st Marine Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Eugenio Clemen on a concurrent capacity.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta Jr. said Cortez was tapped by the Navy leadership in an acting capacity.

Meanwhile, Dolorfino is formally retiring from the military service last Wednesday but his replacement as Wesmincom chief has yet to be announced.

AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Ricardo David Jr. earlier had said the military’s Board of Generals has already convened for its recommended shortlist.

David said the post is up for grabs for Navy, Marines and Army officers.

Earlier, military sources feared that an Army officer might be appointed to the post following the pull out of the 1st Marine Brigade from Basilan and replaced by elements of the Army’s Special Operations Command.

Cortez assumes NFWMC

By Elena L Aben
Manila Bulletin, Monday, 8 November 2010

A member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class '79, Commodore Orwen Cortez has assumed post as head of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao Command (NFWMC) based in Zamboanga City, an Armed Forces official said yesterday.

MANILA, Philippines - With the approval of the Office of the President, the post of NFWMC chief was earlier given to controversial Navy officer, Rear Adm. Feliciano Angue, former Armed Forces of the Philippines -National Capital Region Command (NCRCom) commander, who is now facing an investigation for alleged violation of the military code of conduct.

Cortez replaced Brig. Gen. Eugenio Clemen, 1st Marine Brigade commander, who was assigned earlier to the command in an acting capacity.

Retiring Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom) chief, Marine Lt. Gen. Benjamin Dolorfino confirmed that Cortez has taken over the NFWMC top post last week.

But Dolorfino, who is set to retire on Wednesday, November 10, declined to comment on the circumstances of the designation of Cortez. He said, “it's a regular position."

Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta Jr., AFP spokesman, said that Cortez was designated by the Philippine Navy as NFWMC chief in an acting capacity. Angue may still assume the post depending on the outcome of the investigation of his case.

Angue's assumption as NFWMC chief was held in abeyance after he was placed under investigation for violation of the AFP code of conduct after he slammed the alleged “prostitution” of the military’s promotion system.

Angue claimed his designation to the two-star post oc NFMWC chief was a “demotion” since he had already been assigned to the three-star post of NCRCom commander.

New Navy Western Mindanao chief named

By Alexis Romero
The Philippine Star, Monday, 8 November 2010

MANILA, Philippines - A member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class ’79 has been appointed as acting commander of the Naval Forces in Western Mindanao.

Western Mindanao Command (WESMINCOM) chief Lt. Gen. Ben Dolorfino said Commodore Orwen Cortez has been designated as acting chief of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao, which covers areas believed to be hideouts of local terrorists.

“Commodore Orwen Cor tez assumed on Nov. 4,” Dolorfino said.

Cortez succeeded Brig. Gen. Eugenio Clemen who was previously assigned to the post in an acting capacity. Prior to his appointment as Western Mindanao Naval Forces chief, Cortez was commander of the Naval Forces Western Command based in Palawan.

Armed Forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta, Jr. said Cortez will only serve in an acting capacity since Rear. Adm. Feliciano Angue, who has been appointed to the post, is being probed for airing his concerns to the media.

“Admiral Angue’s designation as Naval Forces Western Mindanao chief has been approved by the President. Since he is being investigated, he cannot assume the post,” he said in a phone interview.

“He (Cortez) will serve in an acting capacity. The issuance (of designation) is only at the Navy level. It is not approved by the President.”

Mabanta said Cortez is competent and qualified to handle his new assignment.

Angue has been named Naval Forces Western Mindanao chief but his appointment was deferred pending the probe on his alleged violation of the military code of ethics.

Angue had claimed that the promotion system is politicized and that Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin is meddling in the giving of posts. He claimed that PMA class ’79 members, especially those who served as Gazmin’s subordinates, benefited from the favoritism in the promotion system.